ABF載板應用:  TBF和ABF的比較


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產品Taiwan Build-Up Film (TBF)Ajinomoto Build-Up Film (ABF)
客製特性 - 
成膜性優, 不易脆裂-
產品保存條件0-5度  可保存9個月零下20度
碳足跡 -
環境友善不含甲苯 - 



The data sheet contains measurement values for the product under certain conditions. The values are not guaranteed.・Quality, performance and function differ according to the conditions under which the product is used. For details, contact the department in charge of the product in question.・Results other than the values given here may be obtained depending on how the product is used. Customers should perform their own tests in order to use the product more properly and safely.・The product and product specifications are subject to change without notification.・WaferChem owns the right to any intellectual property contained herein. We ask that you contact the department in charge of the product in question prior to using the products data sheet for any purpose other than the purpose intended.